Enter the world of Monster Hunter with this exquisite Elder Dragon Trio Collectible Set, featuring three of the most iconic dragons from the series: Teostra, Kushala Daora, and Kirin. Each figure is a masterful representation of these powerful creatures, brought to life with exceptional attention to detail.
- Teostra – The Flame King Dragon: Adorned in fiery red and orange hues, Teostra is depicted mid-flight with its wings spread wide, ready to unleash its devastating fire breath. The figure captures the fierce expression and majestic presence of this legendary dragon.
- Kushala Daora – The Steel Dragon: Known for its control over wind and steel, Kushala Daora is showcased with its metallic scales and expansive wings. The figure highlights its formidable posture and sharp, armor-like features that make it one of the most feared dragons in the Monster Hunter universe.
- Kirin – The Thunder Unicorn: Kirin, the mythical beast with control over lightning, is depicted in a dynamic pose with its electrifying blue mane and graceful stance. This figure captures the ethereal and majestic essence of Kirin, making it a stunning piece in any collection.
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